Thursday, October 10, 2013

Congratulations to Our VOYA Five-Foot Bookshelf Featured Titles!

The VOYA Five-Foot Bookshelf is an annual collection featuring VOYA reviewers' picks for best books for professionals who serve teens. We are honored to see so many of our Libraries Unlimited titles make the list!

Adult Learners: Professional Development and the School Librarian
Carl A. Harvey II
Managing Children's Services in Libraries, Fourth Edition
Adele M. Fasick and Leslie Edmonds Holt
Integrating Young Adult Literature through the Common Core Standards
Rachel L. Wadham and Jonathan W. Ostenson

Teen Talkback with Interactive Booktalks!
Lucy Schall

Rainbow Family Collections: Selecting and Using Children's Books with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Content
Jamie Campbell Naidoo
Library Leadership in the United States and Europe: A Comparative Study of Academic and Public Libraries
Peter Hernon and Niels Ole Pors, Editors

View the electronic issue of VOYA here. Find the Five-Foot Bookshelf feature on pages 8 and 9.


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