Wednesday, February 1, 2012

CISSL Summer Institute: Guided Inquiry and Student Learning

CISSL Summer Institute (Center for International Scholarship in School Libraries)

Mark your calendars for the Second Residential CISSL Summer Institute:

Guided Inquiry and Student Learning
June 27-29, 2012 at Rutgers University
For Teams of Teachers, School Librarians, and Administrators

This is a rare opportunity for a team from your school to learn how to design and implement Guided Inquiry, a method that transforms the way PreK-12 students engage with information to build creativity, critical thinking, and deep understanding for academic success and career readiness.

Based on the extensive research of the Center, Guided Inquiry provides a visionary, constructivist approach to addressing Common Core Standards and developing students as reflective thinkers, creative learners and producers of knowledge.

Faculty includes renowned leaders in learning: Carol Kuhlthau, Ross Todd, Leslie Maniotes, and LaDawna Harrington.

Contact Dr. Mary Jane McNally:
Details and application available February 1 at


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