Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Win a Free Book!

Yesterday we brought you an excerpt from Gini Graham Scott's brand-new book: The Very Next New Thing: Commentaries on the Latest Developments That Will Be Changing Your Life. The excerpt was from "Chapter 8: The Plane Truth" and commented on living "green" and the popularity of sustainable building--which reached new heights in 2010. 

Other topics in this fascinating collection include: Advances in Medicine; Animal Behavior; Animal Hybrids; Arts, The; Breakthroughs in Space; Changes in the Business Environment; Changing Lifestyles; Entertainment; Forensics; Genome Sequencing; Healthcare Technology; Human Behavior; Love, Marriage, and Family; New Developments in High-Tech; New Products and Services; Popular Culture; and Scientific Breakthroughs.

CONTEST: We want to hear from you! What was the most important, interesting, or significant event or product of 2010? It could be anything from the iPad to President Obama's visit to Indonesia to the WikiLeaks controversy. Tell us what you think and, most important, WHY it's significant, and you will be entered to win a free copy of Scott's The Very Next New Thing and one copy of a book of your choice from the ABC-CLIO website. Email your submission to abcclioblog@gmail.com by Midnight, January 2. Good luck and Happy New Year!

Rules: Submissions must be in by 12:00 a.m. January 2, 2011. The book of your choosing must be a single volume title. The winner will be notified the week of January 3rd.


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